Se afișează postările cu eticheta summer. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta summer. Afișați toate postările

duminică, 11 septembrie 2011

Maine? 9 jumate? Incepem?

Here we go again. Closure.

Sudden passing of time. The creeps.
My time problem.

Rust or lust?
It's bittersweet.

Grass hopper.

My time machine has broken down.

Weird dream. In which I was stuck in the past and everyone else could return to their present. I'm scared of the passing of time and yet I'm curious:
what could possibly await?
A set of new challenges, new contacts, new me.

Here I am and this is who I was fot the last 100 days.

Let's stop making promises. They are worthless. There is no such thing as forever.
I accept these changes and I won't remain here, grasping on a promise.

"She remembered the hellos, and she remembered the good-byes even more. End-of-summer tradition dictated that whoever was last to leave the island saluted departing friends by jumping into the water as the good-bye ferry pulled away."

(The last summer of you and I - Ann Brashares )

duminică, 4 septembrie 2011

Summer has not died yet!

It actually feel close enough... and yet untouchable.
Special people. Speciale moments. Quite happy.
Ever ever after.

We do what we want to.

Let it go.


We are one.

So close.

Summer look.

(by Roxi)

Summer stories to be told.

Where did you send her?
To a place where there is no "happily ever after".


Si totusi vara nu mai este. Inca nu stiu propriu-zis ce vreau, dar totul a fost ca o poveste. Frogs and princes. Evil witch and fairy godmother.
Each happy ending is a brand new beginning.

miercuri, 31 august 2011

Day 92. A moment in time. Summer.

             Si marele final!!! N-au fost chiar 100 de zile, dar 92 au fost indeajuns pentru a crea un mic pachet cu momente frumoase si speciale. Le pastram cu drag, sa ne bucuram de ele in continuare.

1. Inceputul: cat se poate de dragut.
2. Tabara la Izvorul Muresului- geniala. O experienta memorabila.
3. Super croaziera pe Marea Mediterana- de neuitat.
4. Zilele la tara-pur si simplu superbe.
5. Mini-vacanta la Sovata- epica.
6. Finalul: cat se poate de fericit! :D

Fierce turtle.
(Morning coffee)

Strunfii verzi s-au ascuns!
(by Cori)

Looking for the summer.

Summer boderline.

Map my skin with memories.

Smile, tomorrow will be worse.

Happily ever after.
Plimba ursu'! :))


         Si cu asta s-a terminat si ultima zi de vara. Sa pastram ce e mai bun din vara asta, eu deja mi-o inchipui pe urmatoarea. The big picture. Proiectul 100 days of summer s-a cam incheiat, insa blog-ul ramane activ, poze noi cat de curand probabil pe baza unei alte teme. Ma gandesc chiar la un proiect gen: 52 weeks (o fotografie per saptamana din an). Ce va fi, va fi!

"...toata viata e facuta din jocuri diferite: jocuri periculoase, interesante, primejdioase, jocuri de unul singur sau in echipa. Cel mai important lucru e sa ai spirit de invingator"
(Raluca Sterian-Nathan, "Suflet tatuar")

         The end...

       where I begin. :)

marți, 30 august 2011

Day 91. Heart in hand


Face to face.

Picture taken by Tode(rici).

"The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present."

Slowly, the project comes to an end.  Maybe it wasn't so bad afterall?

duminică, 28 august 2011

Day 89. Wind of change

Calator grabit intr-o lume fara rost, opreste-te putin.

In deriva.

Frail illusions.

Will you take my hand?
Never judge a book by it's covers.

Lost highway.


Sovata. Momente minunate. Amintiri. Relaxare. A new beginning.
Vara se apropie de sfarsit. Concluzii cat de curand :D.

Life is a funny, funny thing, you know?

O posibilitate, care ar putea deveni realitate. :X

joi, 25 august 2011

Day 86. Campuri aurii


- Priveste-ma si spune-mi, ce vezi?
Vocea ii tremura. Cui cerea ea socoteala? Pret de cateva minute isi privi chipul palid si ochii patati de cearcane. Oglinda o privea din interior, ii absorbea fiinta, lasand-o sa se prelinga printre reflexii. Cui cerea totusi socoteala? Oglinzii, siesi insasi?

Isi simtea trupul tremurand.
Plamanii arsi.
Ochii stinsi.
 Nu exista doar ea: inauntrul ei se ascundeau, printre ruine si epave, atatea fiinte virtuale, atatea existente paralele- fiecare cu tepii si tentaculele proprii. Niciodata satule, mereu flamande. Cine era ea sa gazduiasca atatia paraziti?... sau poate ea le invadase spatiul...

Un vag inceput...a ceva ce nu a avut niciodata loc. Mazgaleala pe un caiet vechi.
datat 2010.

In vazduh totul se pierde.

Dar amintirile nu sunt biodegradabile.

Eu. Picure taken by Tode(rici).

Unveil your mysteries.

"Si nu e oare normal ca la 17 ani  sa razi, sa canti, sa zburzi, sa nu te sinchisesti de nimic?" :) 
(Jeni Acterian)

          There are people that I treasure, because friends don't just leave your side. Star watching and story telling- priceless memories. Drinking coffee and making pancakes- just as good. >:D<

luni, 22 august 2011

Day 83. Our dear memories.

Country side. Memories that will always remain in our hearts. People that I will always cherish.

Maybe wishes do come true.

Beautiful thoughts. (Cami >:D<)

Wide open spaces far away.

Tracks and railways.

A new light. What could possibly await?
(in drum spre pestera Vadu Crisului)

Empty. Empty. Empty.
Time is slowly running out.
But, afterall, this summer is just GREAT! And these last 3 weeks, will turn out even better! I shall always cherish the people that stand beside me :).