sâmbătă, 24 septembrie 2011

Did it right!

Here we are... al doilea an la rand, prezenta la proiecul national "Let's do it, Romania!".
Morman, peste morman, peste morman... peste morman. O groaza de saci. Manusi chirurgicale... doar operam pe un organism viu, urias!
A fost o experienta extraodinara, desfasurata concomitent in toata tara, promovandu-se ideile unui mediu sanatos si curat, pe care pana la urma toti il impartim. Activitatea in sine, ne-a adus (din nou) in fata unei realitati triste. Cred ca deja toti suntem obisnuiti cu resturile (fizice sau psihice) de pretutindeni, le acceptam, existenta lor este nederanjata. Putina mobilizare?

Verde, verde, verde!

Putina initiativa, entuziasm si optimism?
Natura este spatiu de reculegere, de regasire... nu de depozitare.
O actiune care ne-a reunit, atat de multi si atat de diferiti! Amintirea unui gest de tandrete.

P.S. Poze noi cat de curand!

sâmbătă, 17 septembrie 2011

Hipiotic mood

More changes and mood swings. Melancholy strike.
I recall those last summer days when everything was just fine.
Friendship matters (?).

Center of balance has fallen off.

Golden age.

A darker shade of blue.


Perfect environment for romantics.

Peaceful eyes. You may rest now.

Looking for the summer.


Renuntam la o buna parte din ce iubim.

Fly away to the place you belong.

I won't be reachable for days.

New serie coming up!

Lately I had a serie of extremely weird dreams and no matter the background or the scenery...  it was a journey. To places I've seen, with people I know.

Big interest in psychology. Sorting out feelings, looking beneath the layers.
Change affects us all. Our feelings, our behaviour, our mentality.
It's sad taking somebody into pieces... the whole is by far more fascinating. Both dark and bright.

"Ne paste riscul unui soc si al unei intalniri dureroase si bulversante cu propria nuditate psihica. Aceasta aventura ne confrunta cu ... haul din noi si monstrii nostri interiori."

O piesa draguta. :D

duminică, 11 septembrie 2011

Maine? 9 jumate? Incepem?

Here we go again. Closure.

Sudden passing of time. The creeps.
My time problem.

Rust or lust?
It's bittersweet.

Grass hopper.

My time machine has broken down.

Weird dream. In which I was stuck in the past and everyone else could return to their present. I'm scared of the passing of time and yet I'm curious:
what could possibly await?
A set of new challenges, new contacts, new places...new me.

Here I am and this is who I was fot the last 100 days.

Let's stop making promises. They are worthless. There is no such thing as forever.
I accept these changes and I won't remain here, grasping on a promise.

"She remembered the hellos, and she remembered the good-byes even more. End-of-summer tradition dictated that whoever was last to leave the island saluted departing friends by jumping into the water as the good-bye ferry pulled away."

(The last summer of you and I - Ann Brashares )

duminică, 4 septembrie 2011

Summer has not died yet!

It actually feel close enough... and yet untouchable.
Special people. Speciale moments. Quite happy.
Ever ever after.

We do what we want to.

Let it go.


We are one.

So close.

Summer look.

(by Roxi)

Summer stories to be told.

Where did you send her?
To a place where there is no "happily ever after".


Si totusi vara nu mai este. Inca nu stiu propriu-zis ce vreau, dar totul a fost ca o poveste. Frogs and princes. Evil witch and fairy godmother.
Each happy ending is a brand new beginning.

sâmbătă, 3 septembrie 2011

Dusty sighteeing

One more week to go!

Intamplator a fost o zi extrem de productiva din punct de vedere fotografic. Momente si planuri... discutii lungi, mai mult sau mai putin aberante. Si chiar daca e toamna, vara inca n-a murit, cel putin nu in noi.

Shadow in the distance.

Bitter dust.

Autmn's new look.

I guess this is how my stomach butterflies look like.

Somebody's wishes just sailed away.

Dust in the wind.

A: Wow! Oare cum ar fi ca lumea sa fie condusa de o Asociatie a Artistilor?
N: Haos! Am trai suspendati in jos.
A: Dar frumosul nu exista decat pe baza de adevar!
N: Un exemplu concret: crezi ca o ciocolata Milka numai din ingrediente naturale? Vaca aia mov a crescut la Cernobal.
A: :)) .
         (vaga reproducere)

This clock never seemed so alive.

"Jocul continua, numai jucatorii se schimba."
 (Raluca Sterian-Nathan)

vineri, 2 septembrie 2011

Freaking autumn

          Freaking autmun! That time of year with sudden mood swings. Toamna a inceput binisor...se putea si mai rau se putea si mai bine...niste jocuri copilaresti, un mic gratar inceput pe ploaie si toata aventura care a urmat... Sper ca toamna aceasta sa aduca ceva bun, nu doar dispozitii trecatoare si momente suspendate in aer.

         Totul s-a sfarsit cu bine... deja astept vara urmatoare, insa pana atunci imi propun sa continui cu proiecte fotografice. O saptamana, o luna, un an... nu conteaza. Blog-ul ramane activ, in curand o noua tema, iar la vara voi relua: 100 days of summer.

Love, peace...  fantasy.

Wake me up, when september ends.

by Tode(rici).

All the clutter.

No walls, no chains...just set me free.

Autumn dots.

To the moon and back. Or maybe just one way ticket to the moon?
Turn our golden faces into the sun.